

We had so many great events in October. The pumpkin patch family outing was a great time with a good turnout. Bubbaduke really enjoyed the hay ride and the animals. Our story time was amazing with a new member and her child as well as other members that have joined our club a while ago. After coffee and a muffin and story time, we decided to take a walk around the mall which was so much fun! Our trip to the Children’s Museum was a lot of fun and the kids seemed to really enjoy the different things to do. I think Bubbadukes favorite was playing with M in the helicopter and fire truck. Coffee dates are always fun, even if I don’t drink coffee. It is one of my favorite activities that we do. I mean, what more can you ask for then to sit with a few good friends, in your pajamas, and have adult conversations while the kids play together and you don’t have to watch their constant move because you are already at a place that is childproof?

Stay tuned to hear about what is coming up in November. So many fun things! Please email us if you would like more information or would like the meet us! momsclubgbw@gmail.com


Image sources: http://www.easyonthecheeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/unnamed.jpg http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/137838-Goodbye-October.jpg